So, I'm aware that all sorts of big political developments are going on right now. There are Primaries going on tonight, Vice President speculations are in full force, all sorts of neat state issues are poppin up in Ohio...and I can't concentrate long enough to write about them.
People. Its just too damn cold.
With the exception of brief sojourns in Washington DC and Sacramento California, I've lived my entire life in the Columbus Ohio area. I should be used the cold by happens every winter, without fail, and sometimes comes a little early in whats supposed to be the fall, or lingers well into this mythical "springtime". But this year, it seems like its hit with a greater vengeance than ever before.
Its mind-numbing cold. Its ball bustingly cold. Heck, I didn't just sleep with a space heater last night, I flat out spooned with one. I'm surprised i don't have second degree burns on my face. I've been turning the hot water up so much in the shower, my doctor might think I tried to have sex with a volcano.
Is this a global warming article? A message sounding the alarm of the effects of climate change? Nope...not really. Its just about my ability to handle the weather.
I think the problem is, I can't actually get warm. I live in crappy student housing near Ohio State, where our windows are more porous than the US/Mexican border. Half of my classrooms are in old buildings with poor heating systems as well. The warmest I get all day is on the COTA bus ride downtown to work. No wonder I've been sick for two weeks.
I used to like the snow...I used to like to go sledding, take walks in it, maybe hope for that snow day. As I grow up...I hate it. I hate driving it in. I hate walking a mile and a half through it to get to class. I hate that it makes my pants wet all day. Booo cold.
I hope to make this a weekly thing now. Real political news coming later this week, or when I can feel my fingers enough to type again.
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Matt I didn't even know you had a blog until tonight. I've been working on getting one up for three weeks now, however because of the picky web designer that I am, I can't get myself to use blogger or any other site like it. Finally today, inspiration struck for a design that I'll use, and hopefully I'll have it up within the next couple of weeks.
As for yours...I laughed, I contemplated, introspected and laughed some more. Keep 'em coming...good stuff! Oh yeah, and the next time I'm up there, I'm bringing you some hot chocolate to keep you warm. I'm so glad I don't have to walk across campus in this cold :D Ohhh the joys of online learning ;)
um, except *now* you're warm because your awesome sister was like "come live at my place and eat my food and use my hot water."
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