Thursday, January 17, 2008

Mini Update: Downtown's Cool Links

Okay, sorry for the delays. I've been real busy finishing up some internship application paperwork, so I can skip town in two months and work in Washington DC for a while.

I'm working on two fairly long entries, but in the meantime, here are some real cool links that'll keep you busy!

Much digital ink has been spilled over how this election is over the heart and soul of the Republican Primary. This article , from CQ, explains how its also for the soul of the Democrats. Neat read.

Forget sports betting, how about Political Futures betting? This has a much better prediction rate than the pundits (myself included), so go see how your guy's stock is doing.

Its about time...the Video Game Industry finally has its own PAC, with lobbyists and everything.

From the Badass Blues Musicians department...Stevie Ray playin a little Superstition.

Speaking of great youtube videos, check out this drum solo by ?uestlove. (this cat has got to be one of the best drummers today).

As a big Cleveland Cavs fan, I got a huge laugh out of this website:

And finally, a news release about the SA Spurs' latest signing (wait...don't bears maul bitches?)

Stay tuned, big entries are comin'


Anonymous said...

?uestlove is badass

Will said...

I miss you downtown! And awesome links you pulled together.